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I'm Karen

September 2019 Archives

Printable Issue 4106  Today is Monday, September 2nd, 2019; Karen's Korner #4106
Happy Labor Day!

Good day to 'talk about' labor and laborers.

"Then Jesus said to his disciples,

'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;

pray, therefore the Lord of harvest

to send out laborers into His harvest.'"

~ Matthew 9:36 & 37 RS


Bible Commentary:  "Jesus looked at the crowds following Him and referred to them as a field ripe for the harvest. Many people are ready to give their lives to Christ if someone will show them the way. Jesus commands us to pray that people will respond to this need for workers. Often, when we pray for something, God answers our prayers by using US. Be prepared for God to use you and me to show another person the way to Him."

Printable Issue 4107  Today is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019; Karen's Korner #4107
Today's inspirational thought from Max Lucado:

Mr. Happy Man

"Ninety-two-year-old Johnny Barnes stands on the edge of a roundabout in Hamilton, Bermuda, and he waves at people as they drive past. He's not asking for money or begging for goods. He's making people happy. 'I love you!' he shouts. 'I'll love you forever!'

"And they love him! Bermudans call him Mr. Happy Man. They route their morning commute to see him. If Johnny's not standing in his spot, people call the radio station to check on him.

"Johnny's philosophy is simple. 'We human beings gotta learn how to love one another. One of the greatest joys that can come to an individual is when you're doing something and helping others.'

"Wouldn't you love to meet a person like him? Or better still, wouldn't you love to be like him?"


There was a note at the bottom of Lucado's thoughts:  "Johnny Barnes passed away on July 9, 2016 at the age of 93.

My thought:  Johnny said he'd love people forever. And I am sure he meant every word he'd shout.

But today is a good day for us to left our eyes. And look at God who stands at the 'roundabouts' of our lives and shouts 'I love you! I'll love you forever!' He's the only one who can make that claim. Mean it. And carry it out!


Printable Issue 4108  Today is Wednesday, September 4th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4108

A good reminder from Anne Graham Lotz:

The Joy of Working Together

"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.

~ Colossians 3:17 NKJV

"What task has God assigned you? Has He assigned you to:

~ establish a home,

~ strength a marriage,

~ lead a family,

~ serve a church,

~ teach a classroom,

~ or comfort in a sick room?

"Check your attitude toward the assignment. Do you grumble and complain about it? Do you neglect and ignore it? Do you resent and reject it? Or do you enjoy fulfilling it as your service unto the Lord? God wants you and me to enjoy our service to Him, whatever it may be. And He also wants us to discuss each detail with Him as we do the work. One of His pleasures, as well as ours, is the joy of working together as we complete the task. Often, the more difficult the task, the greater the joy because it enables us to see the power of God and just  what He can do in and through and for us."


Printable Issue 4109  Today is Thursday, September 5th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4109
Several quotes by Winston Churchill; sent to me months ago by Scott Whyte.

Churchill was a 'man for our time' during World War II:

"Life is fraught with opportunities 

to keep your mouth shut."


"One man with conviction will overwhelm

a hundred who only have opinions."


"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity;

an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile,

hoping it will eat him last."


"The positive thinker sees the invincible,

feels the intangible,

and achieves the impossible."


"You don't make the poor rich

by making the rich poor.


"Fear is a reaction.

Courage a decision."

Printable Issue 4110  Today is Friday, September 6th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4110

"Oh, revive us!

Then your people can rejoice in you again.

Pour out your love and kindness on us, Lord,

and grant us your salvation."

~ Psalm 85: 6 & 7 LAB


Bible Commentary:"The psalm writer was asking God to revive his people. God is capable of reviving both churches and individuals. He can pour out His love on us, bringing us back to loving Him. If we need renewal in our churches, families, or our personal lives, we need to ask God to give us a fresh touch of His love and kindness."

Printable Issue 4111  Today is Monday, September 9th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4111
You can tell there are writers that I really enjoy. Posts that I receive in my inbox. Max Lucado is one of them. Here is one I received from him at the end of last week.

The Unexpected Door to Joy

"Jesus said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive' (Acts 20:35). The words of Jesus are spot-on. When you give, it has a boomerang effect. Happiness happens when we give it away. That is such great news!

"You can't control your genetics, the weather, the traffic, or the occupant of the White House. But you can always increase the number of smiles on our planet. You! Yes, YOU can help people to sleep better, laugh more, hum instead of grumble, walk instead of stumble. You can lighten the load and brighten the day of other human beings.

"And don't be surprised when you begin to sense a newfound joy yourself. This is the unexpected door to joy. And standing at the entryway to welcome you is Jesus of Nazareth."



Printable Issue 4112  Today is Tuesday, September 10th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4112
Yesterday I washed my kitchen floor. It was much needed after working with some harvest of fall produce and general tracking in from changing weather.

Aah! Clean!

Until I shuttled various furniture pieces back to their correct spots! When I moved a small, drop-leaf table, I dumped my flowering African violet. A favorite of mine and guests visiting my farmhouse kitchen. Dirt went flying. A small chip on the ceramic pot. Six leaves unconnected from the pretty plant.

As I was on my knees, re-doing the 'tragedy', I didn't like what had happened. Could it be repaired successfully?

But my mind flipped to our neighbors in the Bahamas. My little spill, paled in comparison to their lives which have been totally destroyed in so many ways.

As I picked up the pieces, scooped up some dirt, and re-washed a corner of the floor, I said a brief prayer for them.

My upright plant looks good. The chip is hidden by a green leaf. The floor is back to normal!

But a good day to pray for our friends in the Bahamas:

Dear Father in Heaven, thank You that You take care of all of us. All of the time! Thank You that we can pray bringing all of our concerns to You. We see what has happened to the Bahamas and we feel helpless. We know that all things work together for good. You make good out of tragedies. Help them to look to You for Your good. Remind us that this world is not all there is. Help us all to believe and trust You. Show us what we can do for their sake. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Printable Issue 4113  Today is Wednesday, September 11th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4113
Today is 9/11. It was 18 years ago today that America was under attack by Al Qaeda with planes flying into the New York City trade towers, the Pentagon, and crashing in Pennsylvania. If we were born or are old enough to recall where we were when we heard, we remember!

The recap is on the news this morning. A sister of someone who lost her brother said, "This was not a tragedy. A tragedy is what happens in a hurricane. This was a massacre." Innocent people were killed; hundreds of them. Firefighters and first responders rushed into those buildings, while victims were working to get out. Lots of heroes. Some survived; some didn't. It was an attack of evil proportions.

This is Anne Graham Lotz's inspirational email in my inbox this morning:

God's Primary Purpose

"I will fear no evil, for you are with me:

your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

~ Psalm 23:4 NIV

"Trusting God to accomplish His primary purpose through our pain was eloquently expressed by the widow of Todd Beamer. Todd was a passenger on the fateful United Flight 93 when it was hijacked by suicide bombers on September 11, 2001. He and other passengers overpowered the hijackers, thwarting their use of the plane as a flying missile apparently aimed at the very heart of Washington, D.C. But the passengers were unable to prevent the plane from a nosedive crash into a vacant field in Pennsylvania, so September 11, 2001, was the date of Todd Beamer's entrance into heaven.

"Lisa Beamer gave us a snapshot of her faith that is being developed through suffering when she told an interviewer, 'God says, 'I knew on September 10, and I could have stopped it, but I have a plan for greater good than you can ever imagine.' I don't know God's plan, and honestly right now, I don't like it very much. But I trust that He is true to His promise in Romans 8:28 (working all things together for good).'

"Thank you, Lisa, for trusting God when you don't understand why!"


Printable Issue 4114  Today is Thursday, September 12th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4114
A couple of verses from Habakkuk. Small book of the Bible. I had to look to see how to spell 'Habakkuk'.

Lead in to this three-chapter book says, "Habakkuk saw a dying world, and it broke his heart. Why is there evil in the world? Why do the wicked seem to be winning? He boldly and confidently took his complaints directly to God. And God answered him with an avalanche of proof and predictions."

"(The Lord says,) "But these things I plan won't happen right away.

Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled.

If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass.

Just be patient.

They will not be overdue a single day!'"

* Habakkuk 2: 3 LAB


Bible Commentary: "Evil seems to have the upper hand in the world. Like Habakkuk, Christians often feel angry and discouraged as they see what goes on. Habakkuk complained vigorously to God about it. God's answer to him is the same answer he would give us. 'Be patient! God will work out his plans.' It isn't easy to be patient, but it helps to remember that God hates sin even more than we do. Punishment of sin will certainly come. As God told Habakkuk, 'Don't despair.' To trust God fully means to trust him even when we don't understand why events occur as they do."


Printable Issue 4115  Today is Friday, September 13th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4115
I really liked the August 31 entry from Sarah Young's "Jesus Calling:  Enjoying Peace in His Presence". She talks about our weakness; His strength. God does a good job of making us strong; stronger than we are on our own. Strong enough to face impossible tasks.

"Grow strong in your weakness. Some of my children I've gifted with abundant strength and stamina. Others, like you, have received the humble gift of frailty.

"Your fragility is not a punishment, nor does it indicate lack of faith. On the contrary, weak ones like you must live by faith, depending on Me to get you through the day. I am developing your ability to trust Me, to lean on Me, rather than on your understanding. Your natural preference is to plan out your day, knowing what will happen when. My preference is for you to depend on Me continually, trusting Me to guide you and strengthen you as needed.

"This is how you grow strong in your weakness."

~ James 4:13 - 15; Proverbs 3:5 (AMP); Isaiah 40:28- 31

Printable Issue 4116  Today is Monday, September 16th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4116
Something I received from Anne Graham Lotz from a daily inspirational thought email a few days agol. I liked it. Lots of things we can't be reminded of too often.


"From the fullness of His grace,

we have all received one blessing after another."

~ John 1:16 NIV

"As children of God, we are primary recipients of His blessing. Regardless of our past failures or present shortcomings, our relationship with Jesus Christ ensures that 'from the fullness of His grace we have all received one blessing after another'.

"When the Mediterranean Sea evaporates or runs low, the Atlantic Ocean rushes in at the Strait of Gibraltar to replenish it and keep it full. When you and I are related to Jesus Christ, our strength and wisdom and peace and joy and love may run out, but His life rushes in to keep us filled to the brim---not because of anything we have or have not done, but just because of Him we are showered with blessings."


Printable Issue 4117  Today is Tuesday, September 17th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4117
All of us are getting older; one day at a time. As we move through the years, we have more health issues. We see others with health setbacks.

God and the Bible has good news for our futures:

When He (Jesus) comes back He will take these dying bodies of ours

and change them into glorious bodies like His own,

using the same mighty power that He will us to conquer all else everywhere."

~ Philippians 3:12 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "The bodies we receive when we are raised from the dead will be like Christ's resurrected body. We will still have our own personalities and individualities, but these will be perfected through Christ's work. The Bible does not say what our resurrected bodies will be able to do, but we know they will be perfect, without sickness or disease.

Printable Issue 4118  Today is Wednesday, September 18th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4118

I receive daily inspirational messages from Max Lucado. Some I enjoy more than others; all of them are good. Lately the writings are taken from his book, newer one I think, titled "How Happiness Happens - Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations". Who could like a book like that! 

Here is one from a day or two ago:

The Gift of Encouragement

"Every person needs to hear a 'wonderful'. Here is why. Companies spend billions of dollars to convince us that we are chubby, smelly, ugly, and out-of-date. Inadequacy indwells a billion hearts.

"Would you distribute encouragement? Will you make some happiness happen? Will you remind humanity that we are made in God's image? That we are chosen, destined, and loved?

"Start by listening intently. Ask someone to tell you his or her, story. Give the rarest of gifts -- your full attention.

"Praise abundantly. Biblical encouragement is no casual, kind word but rather a premeditated resolve to lift the spirit of another person. Everyone needs a cheerleader.

"Give the gift that God loves to give -- the gift of encouragement. This is how happiness happens."



Printable Issue 4119  Today is Thursday, September 19th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4119
"After the apostles returned to Jesus,

He slipped quietly away with them toward the city of Bethsaida.

But the crowds found out where He was going, 

and followed.

And He welcomed them,

teaching them again about the Kingdom of God

and curing all who were ill."

~ Luke 9:10 & 11 LAB


Bible Commentary:  "Jesus had tried to slip quietly away from the crowds, but they found out where he was going and followed him. Instead of showing impatience at this interruption, Jesus welcomed the people and ministered to their needs. How do we see people who interrupt our schedules? As nuisances? Or as the reason for our lives? Ministry?

"The Kingdom of God was a focal point of Jesus' teaching. He explained that it was not just a future Kingdom; it was among them, embodied in him, the Messiah. Even though the Kingdom will not be complete until Jesus comes again, we do not have to wait to taste it. The Kingdom of God begins in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus. It is as present with us today as it was in the Judeans two thousand years ago."

Printable Issue 4120  Today is Friday, September 20th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4120
Always lots of things for which to think of, pray for, daily. One has to think about people living in Houston, Texas who have gotten 43 inches in rain in 72 hours. I don't know how our area would recover from such a thing. Ask God for His help for them!

Some thoughts from a perpetual flip calendar "Touched by an Angel:  Everlasting Love":

"Don't be afraid. God loves you. So much you can't even imagine it."


"Faith doesn't get you around trouble, it gets you through it."


"Love doesn't hide. It stays and fights. It goes the distance. That's why God made love so strong."


"When life keeps you in the dark, that's when you start looking for stars."


"You have the right to be less than perfect."


"No mistake you have ever made that is bigger than God's power to fix it."


"When people suffer, God suffers too. And it in the most difficult of times that people grow the most. If you look to God, He will help you through. And you will discover the strength and courage that He has given you."

Printable Issue 4121  Today is Monday, September 23rd, 2019; Karen's Korner #4121
On Saturday morning, a friend and I went to Beaverdale in Des Moines to watch its fall festival parade. Noah, our youngest grandson, was walking in it with his Heartland Youth Choir. We watched a nearly two-hour parade to see him walk by us with his friends. One smile and a wave and he moved on down the street.

So why were we there? Love. Care. Letting him know that he matters to us.

That is what God and His 'people' do for us!

Hebrews 12, verse 1 says, "Since we have such a large crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands.." The Bible commentary says in part:  "The 'huge crowd' is composed of the people described in the previous chapter (all kinds of people we read about in the Bible). Their faithfulness is a constant encouragement to us.We do not struggle alone and we are not the first to struggle with problems in our lives. Others have run the race and won and their witness stirs us to run and win also. What an inspiring heritage we have!"

So today is a good day to 'walk down the street' in the 'parade of life'. Ready! Set! Go! Know that you and I are loved and cared for. Matter to others! 

Don't forget to smile and wave. Like Noah! The 'crowd' is watching!

Printable Issue 4122  Today is Tuesday, September 24th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4122
(Did you get a Karen's Korner yesterday? Some emailed, they didn't. Let me know. Also there will be no 'korner' tomorrow as I am away from my computer. Have a great one!)

Don't Pet the Peeves

"There is a way the world should be run. And when others behave in ways we don't like, we call that a pet peeve. Not a colossal divide or a legal violation..........just a pet peeve. You know, joy is such a precious commodity. Why squander it on quibble?

"The phrases we use regarding our pet peeves reveal the person who actually suffers. He 'gets under my skin' or 'get on my nerves', or she is such a 'pain in my neck'. Whose skin, nerves, and neck? Ours! Who suffers? We do! Every pet peeve writes a check on our joy account.

"For this reason the apostle Paul said, 'Be patient, bearing with one another in love' (Ephesians 4:2). The patient person sees all the peculiarities of the world. But rather than react, he bears with them. This is how happiness happens."

~ By Max Lucado


(My personal note: Like lots of things, to do this, we will probably have to ask God to help us!)


Printable Issue 4123  Today is Thursday, September 26th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4123
Okay back after being away and I heard from a number of you who didn't receive Monday's Karen's Korner. So here it is:

On Saturday morning, a friend and I went to Beaverdale in Des Moines to watch its fall festival parade. Noah, our youngest grandson, was walking in it with his Heartland Youth Choir. We watched a nearly two-hour parade to see him walk by us with his friends. One smile and a wave and he moved on down the street.

So why were we there (besides liking parades)? Love. Care. Letting him know that he matters to us.

That is what God and His 'people' do for us!

Hebrews 12, verse 1 says, "Since we have such a large crowd of men of faith watching us from the grandstands." The Bible commentary says in part:  "The 'huge crowd' is composed of the people described in the previous chapter (all kinds of people we read about in the Bible). Their faithfulness is a constant encouragement to us. We do not struggle alone and we are not the first to struggle with problems in our lives. Others have run the race and won and their witness stirs us to run and win also. What an inspiring heritage we have!"

So today is a good day to 'walk down the street' in the 'parade of life'. Ready! Set! Go! Know that you and I are loved and cared for. We matter to others!

Don't forget to smile and wave. Like Noah! The 'crowd' is watching!

Printable Issue 4124  Today is Friday, September 27th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4124
Today is Friday, September 27. This is the day Jim and I were married in 1959, so this would have been #50!

A good day to celebrate and remember. Jim was a loving, kind and caring man. He took good care of me, Jamie, and Merry! He was a good husband, dad, and friend to many, including me.

I can remember riding around Rochester, Minnesota after Merry was born. Doctors had discovered a birth defect which required surgery. We couldn't be in the unit except certain hours. I recall saying to Jim, "When you say 'I do', you never know what you might have to do together!" He had been diagnosed with a chronic back condition, I had had two difficult (but not impossible pregnancies) and then the medical problems with Merry. I had just turned 28.

We didn't know that ahead were heart problems for Jim needing lots of medical attention; a few more problems for Merry; a fatal car accident for her; and just the rough and tumble things which come into people's lives.

But God is good. He helps us with everything. Day by day. I wouldn't want to try it without Him. In spite of my 'list'. He made everything 'doable'. A heart diagnosis for Jim at 34, but God gave us 40 more years of time together. Some of it with medical work, but many to most ones 'good'. Merry wasn't 'special needs'. She was pretty 'normal' for all of her 26 years.

And when 'loss' comes, God is there. More real than anything imaginable.I read a short Psalm; #111 this morning. In the margin, it says, "Psalms 111 - 116 are called hallelujah psalms. 'Hallelujah' means 'praise the Lord' They express uplifting and optimistic tones.

So this is another 'praise God' day! Like they all can be if we choose. God is always bigger than any problem or good thing which can happen to us. Looking ahead what does the future look like? I don't know but I know that He is there and will always be there!! He is worthy of our praises!

Printable Issue 4125  Today is Saturday, September 28th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4125
Yesterday's repeat:

Today is Friday, September 27. This is the day Jim and I were married in 1969, so this would have been #50!

A good day to celebrate and remember. Jim was a loving, kind, and caring man. He took good care of me, Jamie, and Merry! He was a good husband, dad, and friend to many, including me.

I can remember riding around Rochester, Minnesota after Merry was born. Doctors had discovered a birth defect which required surgery. We couldn't be in the unit except certain hours. I recall saying to Jim, "When you say 'I do', you never know what you might have to do together!" He had been diagnosed with a chronic back condition, I had had two difficult (but not impossible) pregnancies, and then the medical problems with Merry. I had just turned 28.

We didn't know that ahead were heart problems for Jim needing lots of medical attention, a few more problems for Merry, a fatal car accident for her, and just rough and tumble things which come into people's lives.

But God is good. He helps us with everything. Day by day. I wouldn't want to try it without Him. In spite of my 'list', He made everything 'doable'. A heart diagnosis for Jim at 34, but God gave us 40 more years of time together. Some of it with medical work but many to most ones, good. Merry wasn't 'special needs'. She was pretty 'normal' for all of her 26 years.

I read a short Psalm #111 this morning. In the margin, it says, "Psalms 111 - 116 are called hallelujah psalms. "Hallelujah means 'praise the Lord'. They express uplifting and optimistic tones."

"So this is another 'praise God' day! Like they all can be if we choose. God is always bigger than any problem or good thing which can happen to us. Looking ahead what does the future look like? I don't know but I know that He is there and will always be there! He is worthy of our praises!

Printable Issue 4126  Today is Monday, September 30th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4126
A paragraph from a recent email by Kathy Branzell who heads the National Day of Prayer Task Force:

"In the hours, days, or seasons of life when you don't feel like blessing Him, take a few minutes to remind your heart of His faithfulness and His 'benefits', as Psalms 103 prompts us to remember and recite them. Tell your soul that God has forgiven you, has healed you from many illnesses and redeemed your life. Your unchangeable condition is that He wraps you in His arms and crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion even in the most hurtful and hardest of circumstances. Continue reading through this Psalm and others, to add praise to your prayers through your days and let the overflow of your heart fill you conversations with others. Let the world hear you bless God in every circumstance, as a testimony of His power and love in your life."


"I bless the holy name of God with all my heart. Yes, I will bless the Lord and not forget the glorious things he does for me. He forgives all my sins. He heals me. He ransoms me from hell. He surrounds me with lovingkindness and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things! My youth is renewed like the eagle's."  ~ Psalms 103:1-4 LAB
