Today is Wednesday, November 12th, 2008; Karen's Korner #1443

If you have all kinds of money or limited finances; if you have someone who has everything or nearly nothing, here is a list of "low cost/no cost GIFTS" from which you could shop (taken from 'A 4th Course of CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL' ):
101 gifts to give for Christmas or all year long:
(one-third of the list - First of three parts)
Provide a shoulder to lean on.
Pat someone on the back.
Say 'thank you'.
Give an unexpected kiss...
...or a warm hug.
Say, 'You look wonderful!' and mean it.
Rub a tired back.
Whistle when you're feeling down.
Send a thank you card to an former teacher.
Say 'Good Morning', even if it isn't.
Mail an unexpected and caring letter to an old friend.
Place a surprise phone call.
Wash the dishes when it's not your turn.
Empty the trash when it's not your turn.
Ignore a rude remark.
Send a 'one minute love call'.
Start off someone's day with a joke or funny story.
Make coffee at the office for your secretary, for example.
Save the want ads for a job hunter
Write an encouraging letter to the editor.
Take a Grandma or Grandpa to lunch.
Send a 'thinking of you' card.
Wave and smile at a parking enfourcement officer.
Pay your bills on time.
Give your used clothes to a needy person.
Pass on some good news; don't pass on the gossip.
Say something nice to someone.
Lend a favorite book; don't nag to get it back.
Return a friend's favorite book.
Play catch with a little kid.
Help someone figure out a solution instead of giving advice.
Take a box of homemade cookies to work.
Visit an elderly shut in.
Luagh at a boring joke.
~~ Hanoch and Meladee McCarty
Excerpted from Acts of Kindness
