Today is Wednesday, November 17th, 2010; Karen's Korner #1948

Something emailed to me by Judy Watne; it is a daily email titled "Girlfriends in God". Judy forwards some to others which she enjoys: (this one in part, my editing....). Great news for the thanksgiving season:


The Taste Berry 

Psalm 138:2 "I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness, because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name."

Friend to Friend 

Are there times when you don't feel like praising God? Honestly, our feelings are irrelevant when it comes to praising God. Praise is not about us. Praise is all about God. Praise is a deliberate choice and a learned habit that produces contentment and an attitude of gratitude.

Let's pretend for just a moment. Suppose I went to my local bank and tried to cash a personal check for a thousand dollars. I can assure you that when I presented that check to the teller, she would have burst out laughing. She knows what I have in my bank account. Now suppose Bill Gates walked into his bank and presented the teller with a personal check for a thousand dollars. I can assure you that the teller would not burst out laughing. In fact, she would promptly cash that check. She knows what Bill Gates has in his bank account.

When we come to Jesus Christ, all of His promises are credited to our spiritual account. And there is a money-back guarantee on every promise of God. That is why we can praise Him - no matter what.

Praise invites God to take up residence in the middle of whatever mess we are facing.

Praise produces trust in God and strengthens our faith.

In Africa, there is a fruit called the "taste berry" that literally changes a person's taste buds so that everything tastes sweet and pleasant. Sour fruit, even if eaten several hours after the taste berry, becomes sweet and delicious.

Praise is the "taste berry" for every Christian. Praise is more than emotions or spoken words, singing songs or lifting up hands in worship. True praise is the celebration of God, His power, His works and His greatness. Praise is the fruit of a committed heart and the tool of a life completely surrendered to God.

When we are discouraged, praise reminds us that there is hope in God.

When we are afraid, praise reminds us that no matter what happens, God is with us.  

When we are lost, praise reminds us that God has already been where He is leading us. 

When we are confused, praise reminds us that heaven is not in a panic.

Right now, friend, lift up your head and praise your God. He is with you and He is more than enough.

Let's Pray:

Father, I praise You for Your love and Your mercy. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I praise You for sending Jesus to die in my place, to pay for my sin. I praise You for the family and friends You have given me.....Please bless them and fill their hearts with Your presence and Your power as they praise You.

In Jesus' name,



(The prayer above? For Thanksgiving season, try replacing the word 'praise' with 'thank'.)
