Today is Tuesday, May 17th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2067

Do you recall the story in the Bible about Moses and the children of Israel after they left Egypt? There were millions of people; how was Moses going to feed them all?
God provided manna from heaven every day like clockwork. Just the amount that they needed. No more; no less.
I was thinking of that the other day and thought, "Wouldn't that be something? It would be easy for people to believe God if they had to trust Him for that kind of provision?"
And then I had another thought, "It still happens to us today."
Talk about a life-giving resource!
It is needed for all area of our lives. We need to drink so much per day for our body parts to function properly. We need it to clean up our hands and our bodies.
If we don't get enough of it, our crops won't grow. Just ask the people in west Texas.
If we get too much of it, it causes lots of problems. Just ask the people who live in the Mississippi River basin or who have experienced a tsunami..
Water can be beautiful and relaxing. We enjoy it to swim in, live/stay by, or have fun on.
It can be harnessed for energy and power or used for a number of forms of transportation and utility power.
If it gets too hot or cold, it changes forms and can be used in another dozen ways.
God provides and controls it all. Some of it we like; other forms we don't care so much about.
One thing is certain:  we can't live long without it!
What an amazing gift water is!!
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for Your provision and plan for WATER! Help us to never take it nor You for granted. Bless the people in our world and lives who are experiencing a lack of water. We ask You to supply their water needs. Bless the people who are experiencing too much water. We ask You to restore what it is they have lost. Not only do we ask for Your blessing for them; help us to be part of their solutions and to know Your will, as to how we can help others. Thank You for a future and a hope for all of us! In Jesus' name. Amen.
