Today is Friday, August 5th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2125

This week at our weekly church prayer time, we were talking about needs for people and things for which we might consider praying. Several people on our list have potentially life ending illnesses. One of the gals said, "I sometimes have trouble knowing how to pray for someone. We pray for someone to be healed and they die."
And a discussion amongst the rest of us took place.
Today as I was clicking our television remote, I happened past a minister who made me think of our talk several days earlier. I wasn't familiar with the minister or the ministry but I liked his topic (written below, in part):
What Happens When God Doesn't Make Sense
1)  Cling To What You Know To Be True.
Most of what the minister said came from John 11 and what was happening to Jesus and people who were nearest to Him at the time. Jesus was telling that He was God; people didn't believe Him. This is a portion of the Bible where Jesus' friend, Lazarus, was sick and ultimately died. "Where were you, Jesus?" Lazarus' sister asked, "when the one You loved died?" Jesus delayed doesn't necessarily Jesus denied.
2)  God Loves You.
We may not always understand the 'what' or the ''why'. Our ways are not God's ways. We may not understand all of the things which are happening to us. But over and over in the Bible, we are told that, "we are the ones who God loves".
3) Trust God.
Don't necessarily trust what He is doing at one particular time. God did what He did on purpose with Lazarus. He purposely stayed two more days before traveling to where Lazarus was. By the time He arrived, Lazarus had been dead four days. Jesus knew what He was doing and what was going to happen. "The delay wasn't an accident," the speaker said. "One thing you will never hear in heaven, "Oops!".
Everything has a purpose and God uses that purpose to strength our faith. Each time it is an opportunity for our faith to grow. We learn little by little; learning that God can be trusted.
4) Believe God's Word Regardless Of Our Circumstances.
Lazarus died, when blind people and other sick people had been healed. Know that there is nothing that God can't do. Lazarus' death glorified Jesus (and if followers believed Jesus, it also glorified God in heaven).
Believe God's Word even when it seems impossible; remember Sarah having a baby at 90 years old? God specializes in the impossible. Believe Him even when it seems unreasonable.
God can do anything and He exchanges beauty for ashes.......if you and I trust Him!
And His final statement, "Life isn't about us! It is all about Jesus!"
Dear Father in Heaven, thank You for all the days of our lives and that you have taken care of each one of them. Thank You for one more day of life! Help us to trust You and believe You...more today than we did yesterday. Thank You for that love and care. We believe; help our unbelief. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
