Today is Thursday, August 18th, 2011; Karen's Korner #2134

Something emailed to us a number of months ago by Shirley Choat:
A father and son were learning how to operate their new family computer. Both were amazed at its output. The son suggested, "Let's take it apart and you can show me how it works." "Sorry," the father replied, "I can't explain how it works, but look what it does, let's just enjoy it."
Does your mind stumble over the mystery of the Holy Trinity-one God in three persons, and three persons in one God?
On Sundays, we stand in awe of the mystery that our God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit has three distinct persons, but is only one God.
We can never comprehend the mind of the LORD. Instead, we exclaim, "Look what He has done!"
The Father created us. After we fell into sin, the Father sent His Son to redeem us.
 The Son accomplished our redemption by His death and resurrection.
The Holy Spirit enables us to believe in Christ, and bestows love, peace, joy, and many other wonderful gifts.
Let us humbly stand before our great triune God and exclaim, "Look what He has done!"
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
O blessed Trinity,
One in essence yet three persons,
You are God, we worship You.
PRAYER--Almighty and everlasting God, since You have given us, Your servants, grace to acknowledge the glory of You, God; of Your Son Jesus; and Your Holy Sprit which rules in our hearts and minds today. Keep us steadfast in true faith and worship, and defend us ever from all our adversaries. For You, O Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, live and reign, one God, now and forever. Amen.
