Today is Friday, November 9th, 2012; Karen's Korner #2440

A daily writing that my friend Cindy shared with me several months ago and I have the privilege of passing it along to you.
Let my whole being bless the Lord . . .

A few weeks ago, I was waiting for the 147 bus north, to make my way home after a particularly long day. The skies were gray all afternoon but never did pour out rain. I was glad to see the bus pull up, almost empty. I was exhausted. After two stops, I saw a mother board, holding the hand of her young son. He insisted, very vocally as they made their way down the aisle, that they sit in the seats that move back and forth when the accordion center articulates at each turn. "It's very important," he explained to his mother.

As the bus made its way along Michigan Avenue, it never really filled, but many people boarded and many got off. With any shuffle of a passenger past this young boy--still eager and always looking ahead to see when a turn would approach so the seats would move--he would greet the person with a boisterous "Hello!"or "Have a good evening!" He changed the greeting each time and pulled each person's attention--and smile.

I couldn't help but chuckle at this amazing little boy--so excited to communicate with everyone and spread his joy. Over the rather long run, the boy must have greeted fifty or so people. When it came to his stop and the doors opened, he turned to me, smiled wide enough to show an impossible number of teeth, and said, "Goodnight! Have a great day tomorrow!"

And I did.

. . . Let my whole being bless the Lord!
Lord, thank you for your magnificent splendors! Help me to remember, like the psalmist, to spread these joys to all people, no matter how familiar. Help me to remember to thank you again and again for what you've created for your children. And most of all, help me to remember you are there always, in everyone and everything. Amen.

Written by Ryan Loeckel


