Today is Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014; Karen's Korner #2827

About everyone of my weekday emails from Max Lucado are good ones. Here is one a liked and printed off several weeks ago:

"If you were told you were free to enter the Oval Office at the White House, you'd shake your head and chuckle. 'You're one brick short of a load, buddy.' Multiply your disbelief by a thousand and you'll have an idea how a Jew would feel if someone told him he could enter the Holy of Holies--a part of the Temple no one could enter except the high priest and then only one day a year. Why? Because the glory of God was present there.

"God is holy, and we are sinners, and there is a distance between us. Like Job we say, 'If only there were a mediator who could bring us together.' 1 Timothy 2:5 says, 'There is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man, Jesus Christ.'

"God welcomes you. He's not avoiding you. The door is open. God invites you in."

