Today is Saturday, July 20th, 2019; Karen's Korner #4080

Fifty years ago today, the NASA astronauts from the United States walked on the moon.

Our local daily newspaper asked its readers a number of few weeks ago, to tell them where we were on July 20, 1969. Did we have pictures of what we might have been doing? I could recall and wrote what it was we were doing that day. I could recall:

Three friends and I had worked and saved for nearly three years to make a trip to Europe. It was one of those 'see 9 countries in twenty-plus days'. The trip took us, among other places, to Lucerne, Switzerland for a couple of days. Where we were at that time.

The excitement in the Swiss country and by their people was unbelievable. They knew that this was the day! The hotel we were staying in had no televisions in our rooms.So we couldn't watch the moon landing and astronauts' walk on t.v. We couldn't read about it in the newspaper as it was in another language.

Oh well, since we had some 'free' time that afternoon, we would go shopping and see the sights of the town. We couldn't! Everything was closed!! The whole town was celebrating. Shopkeepers and their employees took  the afternoon off so they could all go home to see 'their Americans friends' walk on the moon! They were treating it as a national holiday.

That evening our tour group was going to eat together in our hotel. The room was decorated in red, white, and blue. We had favors and decorations on our tables. The wait staff was so excited to have us in their midst. And to celebrate with them what had just happened!

We were blessed.

"When I look at your heavens,

the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,

which you have set into place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,

and son of man that you care for him?'

~ Psalm 8: 3 - 4

