Today is Wednesday, March 30th, 2005; Karen's Korner #513

Today's Karen's Korner is something that was sent to me on March 21 by Cathy Jones, who now lives in Tennessee. She is the mother of Merry's first college roommate at Simpson College. At that time, she and Rex lived in Sioux City where she taught elementary school. Her daughter Krista and Merry had been in school only a month or two when they got the message that Krista's brother, Alan, who was a high school junior at the time, had died via suicide.


The Jones family has continued on with their life's journey. Mom and dad are now retired. Mom is a mentor for people/families in their church, as well as many other volunteer activities.


This is a dream which Cathy had and shared with some on her email list. I asked if I could it pass it on to others. She said it would be fine:



When I woke up this morning I remembered the dream I had been dreaming.  The images were so real and so beautiful, I want to write about them while they are still fresh in my mind.


The setting was Heaven.  An angel was escorting me up a flight of wide, white marble steps.  When we reached the top, we turned to our right and proceeded down a wide hallway, also all of white marble.  Along each side were tall marble pillars and between the pillars were sets of white double doors.  The angel stopped at one set of double doors and opened them.


Inside was a large banquet room.  The tables were arranged in a U-shape, with the open part of the U facing the doorway.  All of the people I have loved and who have loved me who have already gone to Heaven were standing within that U-shaped opening, waiting  with open arms to welcome me to Heaven.  There were lots of hugs, then we all sat down to a feast.  Whatever each person wanted to eat instantly appeared on the plate in front of them.


I realized that behind each set of double doors a similar welcome awaited each person who was arriving in Heaven. 


I  believe this dream is an affirmation of what I have already felt - - that love does not cease with the death of a loved one and that it continues to flow between Heaven and Earth. I also do not believe this dream is a premonition of my imminent demise.


-- Cathy Jones

