Today is Thursday, September 15th, 2005; Karen's Korner #634

In John, chapter 15, Jesus talks about Him being "the Vine" and His Father being the "Gardener". Jesus describes us as being "branches on the Vine", connected to Him.
Jesus tells about "the Gardener" lopping off every branch that doesn't produce fruit; and pruning the ones that do!
If we are those branches, both the lopping and the pruning don't sound like much fun to me! Both might be a bit painful.......and who doesn't want to avoid something that hurts........if at all possible!
But we also know that cutting back the extra tangly branches of an apple tree or grapevine, makes the branches that are left, stronger and the fruit that is produced larger and more delicious.
It sounds like in life, lots things are going to come our way. Some of them we aren't going to like and we will be exposed to both the possibilities of lopping and pruning.
If I have my choice, I'll take pruning. That way I'll have a chance to re-grow and re-produce.
Lopping? What can anyone do with dead branches?
