Today is Monday, May 8th, 2006; Karen's Korner #796

Do you believe in "seeing the unseen Christ"? Do you think often about "God things"? Do you believe in miracles?
When they happen to you, you are overwhelmed, excited, mystified, or shake your head in awe! Even if they have happened a number of times!
Want to hear my yesterday's God thing?
When we went to Australia and New Zealand, I took along a handful of several of the devotional booklets which I have written and give away. The people who we were traveling with enjoyed the copies and we spent some time during the trip, exchanging "God stories".
I have a "it happened to me" program which I have given to a number of churches and groups in the past handful of years. Marlene from northern Iowa, near the Minnesota border, asked if I would give the program to her church gals some time.
"Sure, just ask me and I will see if the time works out for me," I said. The date has been set for the June 8. Small country church. She hopes to attract 25 gals to the meeting.
In the past month or so, I have been in communication with a gal named Donna. She enjoys receiving Karen's Korners, she wrote. Later she learned that we might know one another from 30 plus years ago. I can't think who she is. So I asked for more details. Among other things, she lives sort of the same direction as Marlene.
As Marlene and I made plans for this upcoming meeting, I emailed, "Can I invite Donna to come?"
"Of course," was Marlene's reply. "Do you want to invite her or should I?"
"No, I can," I said. I had her email address, not the other kind.
So here's yesterday's reply from Donna:
"That's my church!"
She plans to be there.
I rest my case: 
"It's gotta be a God-thing!"
